Name: Happy | | | | 08.05.2016 |
comment to the album the nay cung goi la van chuong a?sao giong van ta thuc cua lu hoc sinh tieu hoc vay.....dung la tho bi,ko bit nghi j ma cho xuat ban thu rac ruoi,do ban nay ch&3&39;##u9;..chang co ti gia hoa van,tri thuc j ca....ban' bo di... http://hfpljzmeem.c |
Name: Blessing | | | | 07.05.2016 |
comment to the album The community had only some 500 residents in 1831, but grew fairly rapidly after Cairiolnfa became a United States territory in 1848 and the Gold Rush began. |
Name: Xiomy | | | | 15.03.2013 |
comment to the album Yours is a clveer way of thinking about it. |
Name: kiss | | | | 19.06.2008 |
comment to the album A oni intimnye uslugi predlogayut? |
Name: fawze | | | | 18.12.2004 |
comment to the pictureiam want fuck you |
Name: Plagiator | | | | 23.03.2004 |
comment to the pictureEgo v dveri, a on v okno... Prognali s, tak on teperi syuda polez |
Name: Alex | | | | 06.01.2004 |
comment to the pictureKhoti by glaza krasnye ubrali |
Name: Zara | | | | 09.09.2003 |
comment to the pictureklassnie devki |
Name: sHkodA | | | | 08.09.2003 |
comment to the pictureA vot i vsya prelesTi modelinogo biznesa...kazhdYj podrabaTyvaet kAk mozhet...=(
Navrenoya mNe nikogda ne sTati normalinoj moDeliyu:(
Kstati figura u eToj damy ne akhTi....vseTreti ya eyo na uliZe,modeliyu by toChno ne nazvala.. |
- Izvini Yulya, no po moemu Ty ne zametila, chto ona ne modeli, a striptizyorsha. Sejchas v Italii tanzuet (tak chto esli ne nravitsya v Italiyu smotreti striptiz ne ezdi)
Name: juri-k | | | | 01.09.2003 |
comment to the pictureA eto chto za khmyri zatesalsya,nu podrastayushchij Gebbelis... |
- Etot khmyri, ya i esti. S Gebelisom lichno ne znakom, poetomu soglasitisya ili oprovergnuti ne mogu.
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