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Starye kamni (iz zikla Prostye istiny) - Old Stones (from the Simple Truths series)
| | Vesna (iz zikla Prostye istiny) - Spring (from the Simple Truths series)
| | Dve zhizni, dve sudiby 1 - Two lives, two destinies 1
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Vospominanie o Grigorii Rasputine (iz zikla Liza soplemennikov) - Remembering Grigory Rasputin ( fro
| | Sortir buryatskij stepnoj (iz zikla Cortiry moej rodiny) - Buryat Prairie Crap-House
| | Mysliteli (iz zikla Liza soplemennikov) - Thinkers (from the Faces of Fellow Tribesman series) Pr
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Logovo maniyaka (iz zikla Strashilki) - Serial Killer`s Retreat (from the Creepy Stories series)
| | Grinpis vashemu domu (iz zikla Rasskazy o Lenine) - Greenpeace to Your Home (from theStories About Le
| | Rasstelite mne stepi - Prairie Bed and Board
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